Saturday 30 April 2011

Russell Kane – Smokescreens & Castles

Edinburgh comedy award winner Russell Kane, is he any good?

A capacity audience of comedy punters young and old all packed in for what they hoped would be a great night of comedy, the venue was at bursting point and there was an amazing buzz about the place. What a great mix you get at his gigs, from the following he’s picked up from I’m a celeb and freaks like me to the comedy snobs who like the intellectual humour and a taste of award winning comedy. So is it good? YES, I can assure you it is. Let’s face it Kane always delivers a fine show and a fine performance but this show is something a bit special. It’s a fantastic bit of comedy writing but even more so in performance. For a comedian who doesn’t tell jokes you get laughs a plenty and throughout. Storytelling with more, far more and a stage show with, well just him but the way he prances and dances around the stage you soon forget this is simply just stand up. His energy rubs off and by the end you feel as sweaty as he looks. Quality show with a capital Q.

Treat yourself make Russell Kane your new favourite Comedian